Technologie - An Overview

Technologie - An Overview

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Though technological know-how contributes to economic development and increases human prosperity, it might even have damaging impacts like air pollution and useful resource depletion, and can cause social harms like technological unemployment resulting from automation.

Abilitatea de a fabrica și utiliza unelte a fost considerată inițial o caracteristică definitorie a genului Homo.[sixty one] Totuși, descoperirea construcției de unelte în rândul cimpanzeilor și primatelor înrudite a eliminat noțiunea utilizării tehnologiei ca fiind unică pentru oameni.

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You will find there's wide selection of ethical issues revolving around technological know-how, from specific regions of concentrate impacting specialists working with technological know-how to broader social, ethical, and lawful troubles regarding the position of technologies in society and daily life.[ninety four]

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The earliest acknowledged revolt from technology was Luddism, a pushback against early automation in textile manufacturing. Automation experienced resulted in a need for much less workers, a process called technological unemployment.

Tehnologia poate fi privită ca o activitate treatment formează sau schimbă cultura.[15] În in addition, tehnologia este aplicarea matematicii, a științei și a artelor în beneficiul vieții așa cum este cunoscută. Un exemplu modern day este creșterea tehnologiei de comunicare, care a redus barierele în calea interacțiunii umane și, prin urmare, a contribuit la crearea de noi subculturi; creșterea ciberculturii are la bază dezvoltarea internetului și a calculatorului.

In 2005, futurist Ray Kurzweil claimed the following technological revolution would rest upon innovations in genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics, with robotics remaining the most impactful on the 3 technologies.[one zero five] Genetic engineering will allow much higher Handle over human biological nature by way of a course of action called directed evolution. Some thinkers believe that this might shatter our feeling of self, and also have urged for renewed community discussion Checking out The problem more totally;[106] others anxiety that directed evolution may lead to eugenics or Serious social inequality.

A much better program for very long-term growth — for us and the planet. Meaning a singular prospect for buyers.

Originally, know-how was viewed as an extension of your human organism that replicated or amplified bodily and psychological faculties.[89] Marx framed it being a tool utilized by capitalists to oppress the proletariat, but thought that know-how could well be a basically liberating pressure after it was "freed from societal deformations". 2nd-wave philosophers like Ortega later on shifted their emphasis from economics and politics to "daily life and residing in a techno-materials tradition", arguing that engineering could oppress "even the associates on the bourgeoisie who were its ostensible masters and possessors.

Relațiile exacte dintre știință și tehnologie, au fost dezbătute de oamenii de știință, istorici și decidenți politici la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea, în parte deoarece dezbaterea poate informa finanțspace științei de bază și aplicată. În urma imediată a celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial, de exemplu, în Statele Unite s-a susținut pe scară largă că tehnologia period pur și simplu „știință aplicată” și că finanțplace științei de bază obținea rezultate tehnologice în timp util. O articulare a acestei filosofii ar putea fi găsită în mod specific în tratatul lui Vannevar Bush despre politica științifică postbelică, Știința - Frontiera fileără sfârșit: „Produsele noi, noile industrii și mai multe locuri de muncă necesită advertisementăugări proceed la cunoașterea legilor naturii .

Technology can have equally beneficial and detrimental consequences to the ecosystem. Environmental technology, describes an variety of technologies which seek to reverse, mitigate or halt environmental harm to the atmosphere. This could contain steps to halt pollution by way of environmental restrictions, capture and storage of air pollution, or using pollutant byproducts in other industries.[eighty one] Other examples of environmental engineering include deforestation and the reversing of deforestation.[82] Rising technologies within the fields of climate engineering may be able to halt or reverse international warming and its environmental impacts,[eighty three] Though this remains extremely controversial.

The expression 'technology' has its roots from the Greek terms 'tekhne,' that means artwork or craft, and 'logos,' this means speech or expression. It started to be used in English during the seventeenth century to make reference to discussions about used arts. In nineteenth-century Europe, 'technik' in German and 'technique' in French have been used to seek advice from a means of performing some thing. In equally languages, 'technologie' was used to describe the academic self-discipline of methods for arts and crafts.

Avec le développement de la science, la technologie est devenue l’application des connaissances Technologie dans une strategy .

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